Candy Crush Soda Saga level 26

Tips for level 26 Soda Saga
There are three sections to the board in level 26 and you have one bear to rescue in each section.
You need to use as few moves as possible in each section so you don't run out of moves before the last bear is rescued.
The first section is fairly easy, use stripes to float the bear up once the bottles are burst.
The second section has a few more cupcake blockers to get past but there is a wrapped candy in the middle which will break the cupcakes once you get to use it. Try to make every move count, don't waste moves that don't do you any good. Every move should either break the cupcakes or burst a bottle, or both.
The third level has a colour bomb on the left next to a green candy.. Don't be tempted to use it straight away, use the greens in the board to unlock the soda bottle first, then the colour bomb will burst it.
If you use the colour bomb first go it will only unlock the soda bottle and take away your other green candies so you will have more trouble bursting the soda bottle.

The fish will then finish off the job as long as you saved enough moves from the earlier sections.
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