Candy Crush Soda Saga Sprinkleshell

The sprinkleshell looks a bit like a turtle, he is blue (cyan) with a brown shell which looks a bit like a colour bomb and appears in the game at level 301.
The sprinkleshell not only looks like a colour bomb with legs and a head, he acts like one too!
As you match the cyan candies on the board a meter under the sprinkleshell fills up.
The first image shows the meter at the start of the game, as you can see The turtle is hiding inside the sprinkleshell. 
We had a vote on our Soda Saga All Help group and decided to call the turtle Dufus.
As you match the light blue, or Cyan candies the meter starts to fill up. 

On some levels it fills up faster than others, but usually takes about 12 candies to fill the meter completely.
Once the meter is full you can click on the sprinkleshell and he will start to vibrate, see image below.

Then simply click on a candy on the playing field and all candies of that colour will be deleted!
Just like a colour bomb. The difference from a colour bomb is that clicking on a special candy does not turn other candies into special candies, it just removes them as normal.
You can choose any colour to remove from the board, but if you choose Cyan they will be collected by the sprinkleshell and it will begin to fill again. If there are enough cyan candies on the board the sprinkleshell may be refilled and ready to use again on a different colour.
You can use the turtle (sprinkleshell) to help you make combos, by removing a colour that is separating two special candies, or to get candies into position to make a colouring candy or colour bomb.
Below is a video showing how to use the sprinkleshell.
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Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I must have been living under a rock. I had no idea about Dufus and have played trying to win too many times to count. Yeah!

Sandy said...

I’m glad he’s back! Dufus is very helpful.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen Rufus in several levels, like maybe 30 or more. How do I get him to come out and play?