
Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 1050 tips

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1050 Candy Crush Soda Saga without boosters by Cookie
The jam starts off in the bottom row under the frosting. 
The candies move down the board from the top left, along the bottom then up to the top right. So the "bottom" of the board is the top right and this is where you should aim to work to create cascades.
However you do need to get the jam spreading fairly early in the game to give it chance to cover the board, so look at the jam carefully and find moves to get it moving.
Once the jam is spreading you can almost forget about it and keep making combos and cascades which will spread the jam at the same time as clearing the frosting and keeping the licorice under control.
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  1. Posting for luck. Stuck on this level too long.

  2. I'm stuck too, can't free the jam at all


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