
Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 1041 tips

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1041 Candy Crush Soda Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have only 25 moves to float the two bubble bears up to the candy string.
The soda bottles are a different colour from the rest of the candies which makes them slightly more difficult to burst, but they can be burst by fish or other special candies. 
Once you have burst the first few soda bottles you will get more floating up from the dispenser in the middle and these will be easier to match.
As the soda fills up work either in the top of the soda or just above it, either will create mini cascades and hopefully get your two bears to the top faster.
The soda bottles can only float up if there is space for them so you need to make matches that will get the candies above the dispenser moving.
There are not many moves to complete level 2041 so check the board carefully before every move so you don't waste any.
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