
Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 1038 tips

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1038 Candy Crush Soda Saga without boosters by Cookie
The jam starts in the middle of the board and the stripes which are on the board to begin with should get the jam moving when you switch them.
Although this is not classified as a hard level you will only pass it if you can make some good combos. Colour bombs, stripe/wrap combos and double wrap combos are all great for clearing blockers and spreading jam.
Work at the bottom if you can, but check the whole board first before you make a move as there could be chances to make the colour bombs and other specials you need higher up the board and you don't want to miss them.
Take your time and think about your moves as there are not many to spare so you can't afford to waste any.
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