
Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 1031 tips

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1031 Candy Crush Soda Saga without boosters by Cookie
Use vertical stripes and stripe/wrap combos to get into the bottom half of the board, this is very important, if it takes too many moves to break through and get the jam moving you won't have enough moves left to complete the job.
Once in the bottom half try to make moves there to spread the jam and this will also create cascades which will spread the jam into the top half of the board without you using those precious moves.
Colour bomb combos are not easy to make but can be worthwhile if you have candies in the bottom of the board.
Of course a Rainbow Kimmy is the best combo as usual, but level 1031 is quite possible without.
Play carefully and check the whole board before every move as there are not many to spare.
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1 comment:

  1. This should be at LEAST a "hard." Use your specialty candies right away since Top cheats and will set them off anyway. Bombs on the top are pretty useless unless paired with a fish. Vertical stripes and then work the bottom only (unless you have a great combo up top). The only way to beat this is through cascades.


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