Candy Crush Soda Saga level 204

Hints and tips for level 204 Soda Saga
You have to get one bear over the candy string to complete level 204.
The bubble bear is sitting just below the string but there is no soda to float it up in. So first you need to find the soda bottles and burst them, which means allowing the bear to fall down the board.
First match at the bottom of the board until you begin to find soda bottles.
Burst the soda bottles by matching them or using fish and as soon as the bear is floating start to work near the top of the soda, keep bursting bottles but at the same time work on getting the bear towards the top of the board.
Use combos whenever possible as the more candies you remove the quicker the bottles will float up and the quicker you will get the bear to the top.
There will be a lot of licorice to deal with as the bear starts to float up so you will have to deal with this by making matches which take as much as possible. This will also help the bear to float up too.
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